Pest Control for Educational facilities
Pest Control for Schools & Creches

Pest Control For Educational Facilities

At Elis Pest Control we have devised a School Pest Management Programme (SPMP) tailored to the specific pest control, safety and audit requirements of Irish schools and early learning facilities.

Protecting Children in Schools from Pesticides and Pests
Pesticides are an invaluable tool for controlling pests however they must be used carefully and judiciously especially in sensitive areas where children are present. Children are more sensitive than adults to pesticides and may have greater exposure to pesticides from crawling, exploring, or other hand-to-mouth activities.
At Elis Pest Control we have devised a School Pest Management Programme (SPMP) to reduce pesticide risk and exposure to children. The programme is a proactive one based on an “Integrated Pest Management” approach (see tips below also). Put simply SPMP is a safer and less costly option for effective pest management in Irish schools.
Our School Pest Management Programme uses proactive, preventive and monitoring strategies to reduce sources of food, water and shelter for pests in your school building and grounds. The SPMP programme takes advantage of all pest management strategies including the judicious and careful use of pesticides as and when necessary.

School Pest Management

Have you got a pest problem?
Call us today on 028 7940 1261
SPMP Explained

School Pest Management System
The School Pest Management Programme audits, advises and provides Irish Schools with a strategic pest management programme. This involves a 3 pronged attack and defence against possible pest infestations. This programme comes in the form of preventive measures, proactive monitoring & auditing and reactive treatments.

Protecting Children in Schools from Pesticides and Pests
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a pest control management system which tries to manage pest problems in a sensible and practical way and aims to minimise risk to health and the environment.
Schools can be a great environment for implementing an integrated pest management (IPM) programme by involving parents, teachers and students to help manage pest control.
Below are some tips to help start an IPM programme.
1. Don’t bring in or use cans of insect repellant or other pesticide products. Check with your pest control company.
2. Draft a written policy and clear procedure to be followed for an emergency pest problem. Include instructions and contact details for your pest control company. PestGuard will be more than happy to help advise with this.
3. Keep a logbook in the staff room for noting any sighting of pests by staff or students.
4. Don’t allow open food or drink in the classroom. Encourage students and teachers to use sealed containers or good quality freezer bags for food and lunches. Even the smallest of crumbs can attract mice, ants and other pests.
5. If the school has a tuck shop or canteen make sure there is a defined clean up procedure identifying exactly who is responsible and ensuring the cleaning work is signed off when completed.
6. If there is an area for recyclable materials make sure these items are thoroughly cleaned to make sure they don’t become a potential food source for pests.
7. Keep the classroom as clean as possible.
8. Prevention is better than cure so keep all areas clean including the school yard.
9. Make sure rubbish bins are closed and not spilling over.
10. Stay in touch with your pest management company and keep them up to date with any important information related to pest control issues at the school (what type of pests, when they occur and the exact location of the pest problem). This is where the logbook can prove to be a very valuable source of information.
Finding the Right Pest Management Company